IBM 3090/VM Humor
(too old to reply)
Rich Greenberg
2006-02-03 00:29:03 UTC
Here is an old old gag that just reappeared on usenet in

Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny.reruns
From: ***@wsuvm1.bitnet (Chet)
Subject: More IBM 3090/VM Humor, smirk
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 19:20:02 PST
Lines: 88

Why I like the IBM 3090:

First, there's the wonderful operating system, VM/SP which has SO many
advantages! Here are some of my favorites!

1. All of your files are in the same directory, you don't have to
worry about subdirectories and other nonsense,

2. For file names, not only do you get a file name, but you also get a
file type AND a file mode, with the name and type each being an
astounding 8 characters, plus a 2 character file mode, way more than
I ever had on my Apple II,

3. If you create a small file, it automatically makes sure it takes up
one 4K block on your disk, so you can add up to 4K of data to the
same file and not take any more disk space!!! WOW!!!!!

4. When you get an account you get an ENTIRE cylinder to yourself, an
amazing 465K, which is more than my 5 1/4 inch, single sided,
low density PC disk,

5. If a FORTRAN file is too long (250 lines) to compile on your disk
because the temp files fill up your cylinder, all you have to do is
unlink your A disk, create a big temporary disk, attach that as your
A disk, attach your old A disk as another disk, copy the source file
to the new A disk, then compile it,

6. You never have to worry about background processes, redirection, or
piping because the 3090 doesn't have any! Or command histories!

7. Or here (WSU) we are privileged to have RESLIM, which makes sure that
you don't use any more CPU time than you want to or have to,

8. We also have system administrators who also make sure we don't use
more CPU than we have to, not to mention they tell us what we can
and can not do, and what they think they legally can and can not do,
such as maintenance on our accounts to make sure there is nothing
wrong with any of our personal files,

9. If any files have sat in your reader/mailbox too long, they will
automatically be discarded for you,

10. And finally, all of the USEFUL on-line help! All you have to know
is the name of the command and whether it is in CP or CMS or SOFTWARE
or one of the other help menus, and you can get a GREAT description
of that command AND some examples how to use it like you would want
to every day!

Not only is the operating system fantastic, they have an AWESOME full
screen editor, XEDIT. Boy, it's quite a step up from EDLIN on my PC!
Just look how powerful it is:

1. If you want to move your cursor to the middle of the screen, all you
do is hold down the arrow keys until you get there.

2. If you wanna delete a whole bunch of characters in the middle of the
line all you have to do is hold down the DELETE key until they all
magically disappear.

3. If you wanna insert something, all you do is hit the INSERT key and
type in what you want, unless it's too long for that line, then all
you gotta do is split the line where you want by using the PF11 key,
which if you are on a VT100 is just an ESC minus sign.

4. After you do any commands in that neat prefix area, your cursor
almost always goes back to the command line at the bottom of the

5. You never have to worry about anything nasty like tab keys, there are
no tab stops by default (unless you wanna set them).

6. And, unless you tell it otherwise, XEDIT always creates fixed length
lines of 80 characters, so if you ever want to put more stuff on the
same line sometime later, there is room for it!!

Add to all of this such things as COBOL, disk linking, EBCDIC
character set (I mean who says J should follow I?), and even
some AWESOME graphics capabilities, and you'll have to agree that the
IBM 3090 is the system for me!!!!

(Thanx to those people who sent me some of the ideas used herein)

From the RHF archives as selected by Brad Templeton, Maddi Hausmann and
Jim Griffith. This newsgroup posts former jokes from the newsgroup
rec.humor.funny. Visit http://www.netfunny.com/rhf to browse the RHF pages
and archives on the web.

Rich Greenberg N6LRT Marietta, GA, USA richgr atsign panix.com + 1 770 321 6507
Eastern time zone. I speak for myself & my dogs only. VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val, Red & Shasta (RIP),Red, husky Owner:Chinook-L
Atlanta Siberian Husky Rescue. www.panix.com/~richgr/ Asst Owner:Sibernet-L
Jack Woehr
2006-02-03 01:17:49 UTC
Rich Greenberg wrote:

>Add to all of this such things as COBOL, disk linking, EBCDIC
>character set (I mean who says J should follow I?), and even
>some AWESOME graphics capabilities, and you'll have to agree that the
>IBM 3090 is the system for me!!!!
7. But the best feature of VM on the 3x0 architecture is that
the same jokes stay fresh forever, since that platform changes
at roughly the same rate as the continents drift !

Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and
PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # cheerfully as when they do it from
http://www.well.com/~jax # religious conviction." - Pascal
David Kreuter
2006-02-03 22:24:42 UTC
yeah and who's laughing now that we are linux enabled, eh?!
Jack Woehr wrote:

> Rich Greenberg wrote:
>> Add to all of this such things as COBOL, disk linking, EBCDIC
>> character set (I mean who says J should follow I?), and even
>> some AWESOME graphics capabilities, and you'll have to agree that the
>> IBM 3090 is the system for me!!!!
> 7. But the best feature of VM on the 3x0 architecture is that
> the same jokes stay fresh forever, since that platform changes
> at roughly the same rate as the continents drift !
Jack Woehr
2006-02-04 09:54:22 UTC
David Kreuter wrote:

> yeah and who's laughing now that we are linux enabled, eh?!

The employers. Now they can lay off more systems programmers
and hire teenagers ... :-)

Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and
PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # cheerfully as when they do it from
http://www.well.com/~jax # religious conviction." - Pascal
Rich Greenberg
2006-02-04 16:12:39 UTC
On: Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 05:24:42PM -0500,David Kreuter Wrote:

} yeah and who's laughing now that we are linux enabled, eh?!
} David

Keep in mind that that joke was from 15+ years ago. Linux hadn't been
invented yet.

Rich Greenberg N6LRT Marietta, GA, USA richgr atsign panix.com + 1 770 321 6507
Eastern time zone. I speak for myself & my dogs only. VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val, Red & Shasta (RIP),Red, husky Owner:Chinook-L
Atlanta Siberian Husky Rescue. www.panix.com/~richgr/ Asst Owner:Sibernet-L
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
2006-02-08 20:23:27 UTC
Jack Woehr <***@well.com> writes:
> 7. But the best feature of VM on the 3x0 architecture is that
> the same jokes stay fresh forever, since that platform changes
> at roughly the same rate as the continents drift !

somewhat more suptle joke from the resource manager ... initially
(re)release was 1976.

it introduced a new module ... dmkstp ... which was a take-off on
a old tv commercial ... something about the "racer's edge".

the resource manager had some policy setting parameters and all this
dynamic adaptive feedback stuff. however, leading up to release of the
product ... somebody from corporate insisted that all the "modern"
performance management implementations had enormous numbers of
performance turning knobs. the major operating system release of the
period had a system resource manager ... with a humongous matrix of
performance tuning options. there used to be frequent share
presentations about enormous number of benchmarks where the numerous
performance options were somewhat randomly changed ...attempting to
discover static combinations of tuning knob settings that showed up
(on the avg.) better thruput for specific kinds of workloads.

somehow it was felt that all the dynamic adaptive feedback features
weren't significantly modern ... and it required static performance
tuning nodes that could be tweaked this way and that.

so before release, some number of static tuning knobs were introduced
and fully documented. the joke had to do with the nature of dynamic
adaptive feedback algorithms and something sometimes referred to as
"degrees of freedom" (and what had the greatest degrees of freedom,
the static tuning knobs or the dynamic adaptive feedback controls, aka
could the dynamic feedback control compensate for all possible tuning
knob changes).

misc. collected scheduling & resource manager posts

there is a story about a couple years before the resource manager was
released, an early version leaked out to AT&T longlines. longlines
migrated this kernel to some number of machines ... including bringing
it up on newer generaion of machines as they were installed. coming up
to about 3090 timeframe , I was contacted by the national account rep
for at&t ... who was facing a problem. this early, leaked kernel
predated smp support and it wouldn't be possible to sell SMP
processors to longlines unless they could be migrated off this
machine. however, the dynamic adaptive stuff in this leaked kernel had
managed to survive nearly ten years and operate on a range of
processors that had a two-orders of magnitude different in computer
power (i.e. there was an increase computing power of one hundred times
between the earliest, entry machine and the latest, highest end
machine). misc. past post mentioning at&t longlines
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/95.html#14 characters
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/96.html#35 Mainframes & Unix (and TPF)
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/97.html#15 OSes commerical, history
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2000.html#5 IBM XT/370 and AT/370 (was Re: Computer of the century)
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2000f.html#60 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2001f.html#3 Oldest program you've written, and still in use?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002.html#4 Buffer overflow
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002.html#11 The demise of compaq
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002c.html#11 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002i.html#32 IBM was: CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002k.html#66 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing ?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002p.html#23 Cost of computing in 1958?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003.html#17 vax6k.openecs.org rebirth
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003d.html#46 unix
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003k.html#4 1950s AT&T/IBM lack of collaboration?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004e.html#32 The attack of the killer mainframes
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004m.html#58 Shipwrecks
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005p.html#31 z/VM performance

a 3090 specific story has to do with erep data. i had done the drivers
for hyperchannel as part of migrating something like 300 people from
the ims group in santa teresa lab to off-site building. lots of
collected hyperchannel & hsdt (high speed data transport) project

they had considered remote-3270s, but discarded it as intolerable.
hyperchannel supported mainframe channel extension over telco links
... so that local 3270s could be used at the remote location. the 3274
local channel controllers operated at something like 640kbytes and the
telco channele xtenders ran over T1-links (aka around 150kbytes).
instead of response slightly declining, it improved because of some
secondary issues with local channel attached 3274 and overall system

in any case, i adopted the use of simulating channel check error in
situations where there was an unrecoverable telco error and i needed
to bump error retry/recovery up a level.

after 3090 had been in customer shops a year, somebody from POK
contacted me about a problem they were seeing in the industry
reporting error statistics about 3090. 3090 channels had been designed
to have something like 3-5 total channel check errors in a year over
all customers (not 3-5 errors per 3090 per year ... but total
aggregate 3-5 errors per year across all 3090s). Reports had shown up
a total of something like 15-20 rather than 3-5 (for the first year).
They had tracked it down to some customers with hyperchannel installed
(aka the extra were these simulated errors). I looked into it and
determined that reflected IFCC (interface control check) instead of CC
would kick off essentially the identical error retry operations.

misc. past mention of CC/IFCC 3090 issue:
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/94.html#24 CP spooling & programming technology
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/96.html#27 Mainframes & Unix
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004j.html#19 Wars against bad things
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004q.html#51 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005d.html#28 Adversarial Testing, was Re: Thou shalt have no
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005e.html#13 Device and channel
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005u.html#22 Channel Distances

Anne & Lynn Wheeler | http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/
Paul Hanrahan
2006-02-04 16:31:29 UTC
VM was open source before it was cool ! - Paul Hanahan

-----Original Message-----
From: VM/ESA and z/VM Discussions [mailto:VMESA-***@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On
Behalf Of Rich Greenberg
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: IBM 3090/VM Humor

On: Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 05:24:42PM -0500,David Kreuter Wrote:

} yeah and who's laughing now that we are linux enabled, eh?!
} David

Keep in mind that that joke was from 15+ years ago. Linux hadn't been
invented yet.

Rich Greenberg N6LRT Marietta, GA, USA richgr atsign panix.com + 1 770 321
Eastern time zone. I speak for myself & my dogs only. VM'er since
Canines:Val, Red & Shasta (RIP),Red, husky Owner:Chinook-L
Atlanta Siberian Husky Rescue. www.panix.com/~richgr/ Asst
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
2006-02-04 16:56:12 UTC
Paul Hanrahan <***@sbcglobal.net> writes:
> VM was open source before it was cool ! - Paul Hanahan

recent posting on the subject ...

various collected postings mentioning unbundling announcement
of 6/23/69 (becuase of gov. and other litigation) and resulting
transition to charging for software

unbundling initially resulted in charging for application software,
but kernel software was still free (aka bundled, in the theory that it
was required to operate the hardware). the vm370 resource manager
(1976) was chosen as guinee pig for priced kernel software.

... vm was not only open source ... but also source maintenance. the
original multi-level source update process was done as part of joint
endicott/cambridge project to emulate 370 virtual machines under cp/67
(running on 360/67) ... recent post mentioning effort
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2006.html#38 Is VIO mandatory

misc. old posts mention source update procedure:
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/99.html#9 IBM S/360
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2001e.html#57 line length (was Re: Babble from "JD" <***@jdyson.com>)
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2001n.html#26 Open Architectures ?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2001n.html#92 "blocking factors" (Was: Tapes)
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002h.html#35 Computers in Science Fiction
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002p.html#2 IBM OS source code
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003.html#27 vax6k.openecs.org rebirth
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003.html#58 Card Columns
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003.html#62 Card Columns
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003b.html#44 filesystem structure, was tape format (long post)
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003e.html#66 History of project maintenance tools -- what and when?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003e.html#77 unix
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003f.html#1 History of project maintenance tools -- what and when?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003f.html#7 unix
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003k.html#46 Slashdot: O'Reilly On The Importance Of The Mainframe Heritage
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2003k.html#47 Slashdot: O'Reilly On The Importance Of The Mainframe Heritage
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004b.html#59 A POX on you, Dennis Ritchie!!!
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004g.html#29 [IBM-MAIN] HERCULES
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004g.html#40 IBM 7094 Emulator - An historic moment?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004g.html#43 Sequence Numbbers in Location 73-80
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004m.html#30 Shipwrecks
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004o.html#18 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004o.html#36 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004p.html#20 Systems software versus applications software definitions
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005c.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005f.html#15 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005f.html#16 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005i.html#30 Status of Software Reuse?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005i.html#39 Behavior in undefined areas?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005p.html#45 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005r.html#5 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005r.html#6 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?

Anne & Lynn Wheeler | http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/
Jack Woehr
2006-02-04 19:39:00 UTC
Paul Hanrahan wrote:

>VM was open source before it was cool ! - Paul Hanahan
In trying to explain the Origins of the Big Blue Universe to
my Unix weenie buddies, I've referred to VM as "closed open source"!!

Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and
PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # cheerfully as when they do it from
http://www.well.com/~jax # religious conviction." - Pascal
Paul Hanrahan
2006-02-04 19:50:49 UTC
An accurate description in my opinion. There weren't that many OCO modules.
- Paul

-----Original Message-----
From: VM/ESA and z/VM Discussions [mailto:VMESA-***@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On
Behalf Of Jack Woehr
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: IBM 3090/VM Humor

Paul Hanrahan wrote:

>VM was open source before it was cool ! - Paul Hanahan
In trying to explain the Origins of the Big Blue Universe to
my Unix weenie buddies, I've referred to VM as "closed open source"!!

Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and
PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # cheerfully as when they do it from
http://www.well.com/~jax # religious conviction." - Pascal
Jack Woehr
2006-02-05 00:16:10 UTC
Alan Altmark wrote:

>And VM *still* bucks the trend even today. We continue to ship source and
>source maintenence, aren't worried about people seeing PL/X source,
While we're on the subject, what the heck was that about?

I encountered PL/X in 1994 and thought it was right jolly, and then
that IBM wanted to keep it out of people's hands.

Seemed silly then. Seems silly now.

Now, if they would only find a way to keep C# out of people's hands ... :-)

Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and
PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # cheerfully as when they do it from
http://www.well.com/~jax # religious conviction." - Pascal
David Boyes
2006-02-06 01:25:10 UTC
> An accurate description in my opinion. There weren't that
> many OCO modules.
> - Paul

There weren't ANY OCO modules until SP 5 ...
David Wade
2006-02-06 20:23:12 UTC
>"David Boyes" <***@sinenomine.net> wrote in message
>> An accurate description in my opinion. There weren't that
>> many OCO modules.
>> - Paul
>There weren't ANY OCO modules until SP 5 ...

VMFPLC2? The starter system? Were these not OCO modules? The source is in
VM/370 but I do not believe it was in SP1 onwards. (I started at SP4...)


has more info..

Alan Ackerman
2006-02-07 06:14:21 UTC
I'm only an outsider, so I everything I say is only rumors. On the other hand, my job won't be
threatened if I tell them, as insiders might be.

PL/S, PL/AS, PL/X, etc. are PL/I-like system programming languages. (Kind of like C is in the Unix
world.) PL/S originally was invented at Stanford -- they published a paper on it (which I read in the
UCSC library).

The idea was to improve the productivity of IBMs own programmers. They even published a
manual to help us systems programmers read PL/S listing. (Wish I still had my copy!) Then IBM
came up with restricted source and later OCO. (The SHARE song says "to beat the good old rising
sun, they came up with restrict".) They apparently felt that protecting PL/X was required as part of
this nonsense. The Japanese threat has evaporated, but the MVS (oops, z/OS) world still thinks
that z/OS source code is an asset that must be protected at all costs. (Someone might actually
come up something better. Horrors!) For years, the IBMers who own PL/X have kept it under wraps
for no good reason that I can see. In the last couple of years there have been sessions on PL/X in
the MVS group at SHARE (with handouts on the language!). They are thinking about releasing the
PL/X language -- but only if they can make money at it. (Don't hold your breath!

We in the SHARE VM community (and others) fought long and hard to keep VM source open. That's
why it mostly is, and also why the PL/X source remains available. Unfortunately, parts of VM were
written in PL/X. As Melinda Varian said "I want to fix it in the language it broke in". Without a PL/X
compiler available to customers, you cannot do that.

If you are a vendor, you can get access to the PL/X compiler, so you can make modifications in
support of your products. I don't know what the current rules and restrictions are on this privilege,

On Sat, 4 Feb 2006 17:16:10 -0700, Jack Woehr <***@well.com> wrote:

>Alan Altmark wrote:
>>And VM *still* bucks the trend even today. We continue to ship source and
>>source maintenence, aren't worried about people seeing PL/X source,
>While we're on the subject, what the heck was that about?
>I encountered PL/X in 1994 and thought it was right jolly, and then
>that IBM wanted to keep it out of people's hands.
>Seemed silly then. Seems silly now.
>Now, if they would only find a way to keep C# out of people's hands ... :-)
>Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and
>PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # cheerfully as when they do it from
>http://www.well.com/~jax # religious conviction." - Pascal
Jack Woehr
2006-02-07 22:19:15 UTC
Alan Ackerman wrote:

>For years, the IBMers who own PL/X have kept it under wraps
>for no good reason that I can see. In the last couple of years there have been sessions on PL/X in
>the MVS group at SHARE (with handouts on the language!). They are thinking about releasing the
>PL/X language -- but only if they can make money at it. (Don't hold your breath!
An unseasonable recrudesence of the IBM "keep it locked in the closet
until it dies" philosophy.

Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and
PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # cheerfully as when they do it from
http://www.well.com/~jax # religious conviction." - Pascal
Gabe Goldberg
2006-02-07 14:20:39 UTC
When I joined IBM in Poughkeepsie in 1968, I learned BSL, Basic Systems Language.
As I've understood language evolution over the years, BSL became PL/S. There was
no visible hint that BSL had any academic connection.

Speculating: Perhaps Stanford had research-purposes access to PL/S and reported on it but
didn't originate it?

Alan Ackerman said:

I'm only an outsider, so I everything I say is only rumors. On the other
hand, my job won't be threatened if I tell them, as insiders might be.
PL/S, PL/AS, PL/X, etc. are PL/I-like system programming languages.
(Kind of like C is in the Unix world.) PL/S originally was invented at
Stanford -- they published a paper on it (which I read in the UCSC

Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc. (703) 204-0433
3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA 22042 ***@gabegold.com
Alan Ackerman
2006-02-07 22:19:11 UTC
I told you I was an outsider. I found an ACM article called "Inferred
syntax and semantics of PL/S". See <http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?
id=807066&coll=portal&dl=ACM>. It certainly says that IBM wrote PL/S. What
I saw somewhere in 1970-72 may have been an earlier version of this.

Gio Wiederhold Stanford University
John Ehrman Stanford University

You need an ACM userid to view the text, though.

See also <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PL/S> -- no reference to Stanford

Also interesting

>didn't originate it?
Tony Harminc
2006-02-07 23:34:01 UTC
On Tue 7 February, 2006 01:14 Alan Ackerman wrote:

> PL/S, PL/AS, PL/X, etc. are PL/I-like system programming
> languages. (Kind of like C is in the Unix
> world.) PL/S originally was invented at Stanford -- they
> published a paper on it (which I read in the UCSC library).

You're not thinking of PL/360 by any chance? I believe PL/S and the others
are descendents of BSL (Basic Systems Language, which much of e.g. TSO for
MVT Release 20 was written in), and are True Blue inventions.

PL/360 has essentially Algol syntax, while PL/S has that of PL/I.

Tony H.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
2006-02-08 02:32:54 UTC
Tony Harminc <***@attglobal.net> writes:

> You're not thinking of PL/360 by any chance? I believe PL/S and the others
> are descendents of BSL (Basic Systems Language, which much of e.g. TSO for
> MVT Release 20 was written in), and are True Blue inventions.
> PL/360 has essentially Algol syntax, while PL/S has that of PL/I.

an old pl/? thread
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004g.html#46 PL/? History
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004g.html#47 PL/? History

there was also pl.8 developed in the 70s for 801/risc (one story
is that it is 80 percent of pl/1). cp.r was written in pl.8 as
was a lot of code for various 801 processors of the period.

there was a large project in endicott to make the follow-on to the
4341 a 801 based chip. this was part of a effort in the period to
converge the vast variety of internal microprocessors to 801. the
low-end and mid-range 370s were various microprocessors that had 370
implemented in native machine microcode. there was a position paper
written opposing the 801 strategy for the 4341 followon ... based on
the fact that silicon chips were getting to the point where 370 could
be directly implemented in silicon .. rather than a microcode layer on
top of some chip silicon. i contributed to that paper.

a few past posts mentioning pl/s:
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002h.html#35 Computers in Science Fiction
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2002j.html#20 MVS on Power (was Re: McKinley Cometh...)
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004m.html#6 a history question
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005e.html#1 [Lit.] Buffer overruns

Anne & Lynn Wheeler | http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/