AARP (Was: Re: Expanded Storage)
(too old to reply)
Gabe Goldberg
2006-02-08 15:34:34 UTC
OK, you said the magic word, I can't resist. For folks on this list who are their family's/friends'/neighbors'/strangers' tech support, AARP's Computers and Technology Web site http://www.aarp.org/computers is a great resource.

While senior-oriented, it really aims at everyone from novice to medium knowledgeable. It includes feature articles and a message board where people share info, solve problems -- like this list or any of our user groups.

I've been writing for the site for two years. When I mention it to even long-time AARP members, they're often surprised, didn't know about it. Hence this note, for present members and the rest of you who'll get there eventually.

It's a public site, AARP membership not required. You only need to register to post on the message board, not to read articles or browse the message board.

Tom Duerbusch <***@stlouiscity.com> said:

"At the risk of teaching Granny,....."

Watch it there, sonny....

Just who on this list does not have their AARP card<G>.

Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc. (703) 204-0433
3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA 22042 ***@gabegold.com
Rob van der Heij
2006-02-08 16:14:53 UTC
On 2/8/06, Gabe Goldberg <***@gabegold.com> wrote:

> It's a public site, AARP membership not required. You only need to register to post on the message board, not to read articles or browse the message board.

Thanks Gabe. As an alien I had missed that reference. I just assumed
someone had been leaking information about yet another neutered type
of CPU to help out z/OS shops.

Tom Cluster
2006-02-08 18:07:48 UTC
Hi, Gabe,

AARP member here.

When I activated the url you sent, I get a page with many options,
but I didn't find a forum/bulletin board/listserv area. I can't find
tomato soup at the market either amongst all the other soups. Where
do I go on that "Computers and Technology" page?

- Tom.

At 07:34 AM 2/8/2006, you wrote:
>OK, you said the magic word, I can't resist. For folks on this list
>who are their family's/friends'/neighbors'/strangers' tech support,
>AARP's Computers and Technology Web site
>http://www.aarp.org/computers is a great resource.
>While senior-oriented, it really aims at everyone from novice to
>medium knowledgeable. It includes feature articles and a message
>board where people share info, solve problems -- like this list or
>any of our user groups.
>Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc. (703) 204-0433
>3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA 22042 ***@gabegold.com

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only)
Gabe Goldberg
2006-02-09 14:22:25 UTC
The direct link is http://community.aarp.org/rp-computers/start -- it's linked on the main CompTech page as "Learning and Technology Message Board" down a bit on the left margin, but is easy to miss in the jumble of topics.

Tom Cluster <***@pacbell.net> said:

AARP member here.

When I activated the url you sent, I get a page with many options,
but I didn't find a forum/bulletin board/listserv area. I can't find
tomato soup at the market either amongst all the other soups. Where
do I go on that "Computers and Technology" page?

Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc. (703) 204-0433
3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA 22042 ***@gabegold.com
Jack Woehr
2006-02-09 16:03:47 UTC
Gabe Goldberg wrote:

> AARP member here.

"Americans Against Real Progress" is probably the most pernicious lobby
in American politics.
Just so our foreign correspondents don't misunderstand and believe that
AARP is universally

PS, I'm AARP age but very active in public policy. AARP makes genuine
fiscal reform in
America something like running the Boston Marathon with a pit bull
latched onto your calf.

Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and
PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # cheerfully as when they do it from
http://www.well.com/~jax # religious conviction." - Pascal
Bob Shair
2006-02-09 17:59:35 UTC
At 10:03 AM 2/9/2006, you wrote:
>Gabe Goldberg wrote:
>>AARP member here.
>"Americans Against Real Progress" is probably the most pernicious
>lobby in American politics.
>Just so our foreign correspondents don't misunderstand and believe
>that AARP is universally
>PS, I'm AARP age but very active in public policy. AARP makes
>genuine fiscal reform in
>America something like running the Boston Marathon with a pit bull
>latched onto your calf.


This has kept me from joining AARP, but not, I blush to say, from
demanding their discount at hotels.

Bob Shair
Open Systems Consulting
Champaign, Illinois
Gordon Wolfe, Ph.D.
2006-02-09 19:00:17 UTC
It appears to me that the main function of AARP is to be an insurance
reseller. I joined a couple of months ago preparatory to my retiring
and at my wife's insistence, and with one exception, every bit of the
copious correspondence I've had from them is an offer to sell me one or
more insurance products. Usually somewhat overpriced.

On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 13:40:52 -0500, "Stracka, James (GTI)"
<***@ml.com> said:
> Stop insulting Pit Bulls. If one was chasing you, you just might will
> the race.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: VM/ESA and z/VM Discussions [mailto:VMESA-***@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Jack Woehr
> Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 11:04 AM
> Subject: Re: AARP (Was: Re: Expanded Storage)
> Gabe Goldberg wrote:
> > AARP member here.
> "Americans Against Real Progress" is probably the most pernicious lobby
> in American politics.
> Just so our foreign correspondents don't misunderstand and believe that
> AARP is universally
> beloved!
> PS, I'm AARP age but very active in public policy. AARP makes genuine
> fiscal reform in
> America something like running the Boston Marathon with a pit bull
> latched onto your calf.
> --
> Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and
> PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # cheerfully as when they do it from
> http://www.well.com/~jax # religious conviction." - Pascal
> --------------------------------------------------------
> If you are not an intended recipient of this e-mail, please notify the
> sender, delete it and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy,
> retain or redistribute it. Click here for important additional terms
> relating to this e-mail. http://www.ml.com/email_terms/
> --------------------------------------------------------
"The Definition of a gentleman is a man who can play the banjo -- and don't!" Mark Twain
Gordon Wolfe, Ph.D.
Gabe Goldberg
2006-02-10 14:51:31 UTC
First, the line you quoted isn't mine.

Second, the part of AARP's Web site for which I write and which I cited as a technology resource isn't political or issues-related, is free to everyone, and is a resource for seniors (and everyone) using PCs, the Internet, whatever. You might (or might not) want to distinguish that from parts of AARP you don't like (insurance sales, issue positions, etc.). But my point *here* wasn't political or issues-related.

Jack Woehr <***@well.com> said:

Gabe Goldberg wrote:

>> AARP member here.
"Americans Against Real Progress" is probably the most pernicious lobby
in American politics.
Just so our foreign correspondents don't misunderstand and believe that
AARP is universally

PS, I'm AARP age but very active in public policy. AARP makes genuine
fiscal reform in
America something like running the Boston Marathon with a pit bull
latched onto your calf.

Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc. (703) 204-0433
3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA 22042 ***@gabegold.com
Jack Woehr
2006-02-10 19:34:39 UTC
Imholte, John (Cincinnati, OH) wrote:

>now if only I can get off the AARP mailing list!
Sure, right after you get off the IRS mailing list :-)

Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and
PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # cheerfully as when they do it from
http://www.well.com/~jax # religious conviction." - Pascal