3494 VTS on VM/ESA
(too old to reply)
2006-03-08 12:46:08 UTC
We are trying to put a VTS on a VM/ESA 2.4 system.

Yes, I know it's an old system... However, according to everything I've
read, this should be possible - support for 3494 was in VM/ESA version
1.2 I believe.

Has anyone out there done this? If so, can you help me get this lot
going. I assume it's something I'm doing wrong ( - always assume you're
doing something wrong, never blame the machines... :-) ?!? ).

When I try to bring any of the addresses online, I receive a "... no
channel path is available... " message, HCPCPN6283I.

I've done this on two different processor models - and when look at the
hardware channel problem determination screens on the 2003/204 service
processor, it tells me that there's a "Link configuration problem - init
failure - Channel/CU mismatch".

The processor can 'see' the VTS because its serial number shows up and,
on the VTS console service frames, the processor serial number shows up.
However, there's no system generated Link Address, so I assume I have
something wrong in the IOCDS. Various people have mentioned the
LIBRARY-ID statement, but VM's IOCP doesn't recognise that.

To begin with, the four CNTLUNIT/IODEVICE pairs in my IOCP source used
to be coded thus:

CUNUMBR=0700,PATH=4F,UNIT=3490, CUADD=0,UNITADD=((00,16))


I made a couple of changes in a vain attempt to get it working - but to
no avail:

CUNUMBR=0700,PATH=4F,UNIT=3490, CUADD=0,UNITADD=((00,2))


Roy Harrop

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Colin Allinson
2006-03-09 09:30:14 UTC
Hi Roy,

Nice to see you are still around on VM!

I cannot see anything wrong with your definitions. Ours are a lot more
complicated (multiple channels) but here is a sample:-

* --------------------------------------------------------

Note: We do not use the first 2 blocks of 16 drives on VM and we are going
via an ESCON director (Hence the LINK statement).

Sure, there are all sorts of config setup you have to do with DFSMS/RMS
once you get these online but that should not stop you getting that far.

The only thing I can think of is the CU setup in the VTS box does not
match that you have in the IOCP.

I cannot be certain but I am almost certain that we were still running 2.4
when we put VTS in here.


Colin Allinson

"HARROP, Roy" <***@nats.co.uk> wrote:
We are trying to put a VTS on a VM/ESA 2.4 system.

Yes, I know it's an old system... However, according to everything I've
read, this should be possible - support for 3494 was in VM/ESA version
1.2 I believe.

Has anyone out there done this? If so, can you help me get this lot
going. I assume it's something I'm doing wrong ( - always assume you're
doing something wrong, never blame the machines... :-) ?!? ).

When I try to bring any of the addresses online, I receive a "... no
channel path is available... " message, HCPCPN6283I.

I've done this on two different processor models - and when look at the
hardware channel problem determination screens on the 2003/204 service
processor, it tells me that there's a "Link configuration problem - init
failure - Channel/CU mismatch".

The processor can 'see' the VTS because its serial number shows up and,
on the VTS console service frames, the processor serial number shows up.
However, there's no system generated Link Address, so I assume I have
something wrong in the IOCDS. Various people have mentioned the
LIBRARY-ID statement, but VM's IOCP doesn't recognise that.

To begin with, the four CNTLUNIT/IODEVICE pairs in my IOCP source used
to be coded thus:

CUNUMBR=0700,PATH=4F,UNIT=3490, CUADD=0,UNITADD=((00,16))


I made a couple of changes in a vain attempt to get it working - but to
no avail:

CUNUMBR=0700,PATH=4F,UNIT=3490, CUADD=0,UNITADD=((00,2))


Roy Harrop
Michael Coffin
2006-03-10 20:31:33 UTC
Hi Roy,

I vaguely recall having some initial problems with our 3494-L14 on VM/ESA 2.4.0
running on a 7060-H30. I can't recall exactly what the problem was, but 3494's
are tempermental. You might try powering down the 3494, and use the CP DELETE
command to manually delete all of the RCTLUNIT and RDEV blocks and manually
redefine them correctly, then power up your 3494. Again, I can't recall the
specifics but I seem to recall if you powered your 3494 up/down more than a
couple of times while connected to a running VM/ESA 2.4.0 system somehow the
RDEV/CU blocks got messed up - it happened to us several times actually. Make
sure the microcode on the 3494 is current as well.

Michael Coffin, President
MC Consulting Company, Inc.
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-----Original Message-----
From: VM/ESA and z/VM Discussions [mailto:VMESA-***@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On Behalf
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 7:46 AM
Subject: 3494 VTS on VM/ESA

We are trying to put a VTS on a VM/ESA 2.4 system.

Yes, I know it's an old system... However, according to everything I've read,
this should be possible - support for 3494 was in VM/ESA version 1.2 I believe.

Has anyone out there done this? If so, can you help me get this lot going. I
assume it's something I'm doing wrong ( - always assume you're doing something
wrong, never blame the machines... :-) ?!? ).

When I try to bring any of the addresses online, I receive a "... no channel
path is available... " message, HCPCPN6283I.

I've done this on two different processor models - and when look at the hardware
channel problem determination screens on the 2003/204 service processor, it
tells me that there's a "Link configuration problem - init failure - Channel/CU

The processor can 'see' the VTS because its serial number shows up and, on the
VTS console service frames, the processor serial number shows up. However,
there's no system generated Link Address, so I assume I have something wrong in
the IOCDS. Various people have mentioned the LIBRARY-ID statement, but VM's IOCP
doesn't recognise that.

To begin with, the four CNTLUNIT/IODEVICE pairs in my IOCP source used to be
coded thus:

CUNUMBR=0700,PATH=4F,UNIT=3490, CUADD=0,UNITADD=((00,16))


I made a couple of changes in a vain attempt to get it working - but to no

CUNUMBR=0700,PATH=4F,UNIT=3490, CUADD=0,UNITADD=((00,2))


Roy Harrop

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